“Ro’i is a great bodyworker. He really knows how to release tension from my body in a slow and deep way, and he’s very articulate about the movement and expression of energy. I also like how he uses his voice and sound to bring relaxation and grounding.” —Norma Burton, Minister and Shamanic Counselor, JourneyToCompletion.com.
"Immediately after our session, i felt better. As I slept and had some time to integrate the experience, I felt more clarity, and as if a heaviness had lifted, not just about the issues discussed in the session, but also in other parts of my life that corresponded with that issue. Also the next day, I was hit with a lot of stressful situations, but I was able to handle them all from a more calm and centered place. Thanks for your help." --Phoenix Rose (no relation), Event Producer.
"I came out of the session with Ro'i with a commitment to myself to enact my true vision. The first thing I felt was a hunger for some deep nutrition. Instead of heading to the chocolate aisle for quick energy, as was my old pattern, I found myself buying really healthy food. A few days later I started a juice fast / cleanse, and held a garage sale that weekend to get rid of some old stuff piling up my house. I'm feeling strong, open and realigned to bring in what I really want and let go of stuff I don't need. And I also have the beautiful sensation, 'Who knows where will this will lead'?" --Philips Patton, Acupuncturist, FluxAcupucture.com
"I’ve known Ro’i for 14 years, we first met in Cambridge MA as college students. I can undoubtedly vouch for his strong integrity, and multiple talents. He is committed to his personal growth and evolution, and has proven his ability to hold space for others to do the same, with gentleness and humor. His depth and fluidity of movement and touch are par excellence." --D.L., MIT and Stanford alum
"Mr. Rose has always impressed me in his care for others and his dedication to the healing arts. He brings a genuine compassion to his work and is tenacious about his own growth and learning so that he may better serve others." C.L., Meditation Teacher
“I came to Ro’i at a point where I had been living with mild to medium intermittent pain & restricted motion in my neck, low back & knees for about 7 months. A week before the first session, I had also fallen down three steps, landing on a hardwood floor with my left hand, left shoulder and left rear upper head absorbing the blows. My hand & arm were weakened enough for it to affect my work as a massage therapist somewhat. Ro’i gave me a very physically and emotionally generous treatment, integrating numerous effective modalities, skills and self-help tools that were new to me, which says a lot as I’ve given & received massages for 41 years all around the U.S. and in several other countries. I felt his excellent attunement, presence and care immediately from the first touch, and that feeling stayed with me throughout the entire session. As the work and the experience deepened, I gained a strong appreciation for his skill, his knowledge and his self-care, as well. As a teacher of bodywork for 34 years, I can’t overemphasize the importance of that self-care piece. My soft tissue and muscles felt gently but firmly explored, understood and softened, as each area gained remarkable range of motion, soothing, easing and opening in each my numerous challenged areas.” Steve Carter, Boston Massage and Craniosacral Therapy